The experience I have with CALL is as a language learner. The classes I have been a part of used interactice CD-Roms, email, and online chats to assist in language learning.
Based on my own learning, I agree with what I read in the Intro to our TTC textbook. It seems that CALL is an effective way to allow learners to become more independent in their learning. CALL allows learners to interact with authentic input, and within the classroom, it gives each student more opportunities to practice using the language in many different ways.
I am looking forward to learning how to use CALL to help learners develop their skills. Also, I'm intereseted in guiding learners to be able to use the computer to continue their learning outside of the classroom.
The Intro did not really touch on any possible disadvantages of CALL, besides stating that a balance needs to be reached between CALL activities and other forms of teaching. I'm wondering if one possible drawback is that it weakens a learner's ability to communicate "face-to-face?" Has anyone had this experience as a learner or seen it as a teacher?
Kristen, I am not sure that it ruins "face-to-face" communication. I feel that as long as we don't submit wholly to this phenomenon, we will always have the intimate conversations specific to us as humans.